Collection: Vitcas

Vitcas is a global manufacturer of high quality refractories, heat resistant products and high temperature insulation materials, which follow the tradition of refractory and heatproof manufacturing in Bristol, UK, since 1882.

We manufacture and supply refractory cement and mortar, fire bricks, insulating boards and blankets, heat resistant rope, tape, paints and adhesives, and more. We have the products you need to complete your task safely and efficiently whether you are installing a range or a wood burning stove, building or renovating a fireplace, constructing an outdoor oven, setting up a home foundry, making pottery, glass or enamels, or restoring the boiler on a heritage steam locomotive.

Our key aim is to provide top quality products at competitive prices, which satisfy the needs of our clients. Vitcas is accredited to Quality Management System Standard BS EN ISO 9001:2015, Environmental Management System BS EN ISO 14001:2015 and Health and Safety Management System BS EN 45001:2018